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One of my favorite things about photography is capturing a single moment in time that will never happen again.

Something about that concept is just so beautiful to me.

From eye crinkling laughter to innocent baby giggles to the loving gaze of a budding relationship to the nerves and excitement of graduating to the commitment and passion of an athlete. These moments and seasons of life go by so fast. How beautiful is it to capture that one unique moment and let it last a lifetime.

It would be my joy to spend these moments with you.

A key word that describes me and my work is authenticity. It is my hope that you would look back at your photos and remember this beautiful chapter of your life. Not a perfectly posed image of you, your relationship, your family…but the real, unique, beautiful you. In the midst of a world aiming for perfection, my goal is that you would look back at these photos thirty years down the road and remember those stages and moments in life that have made you, you.

Don’t hear me wrong, I’m also here to make you look real good :)

Feel free to click around and explore these galleries. You’ll find a mixture of grad sessions, family sessions, athletic sessions, etc.