All About Love

Ah, love…

I thoroughly appreciate how much this chapter talks about how love is not confined to “romantic love”. It is amazing how people view marriage as their capstone in life. “If only I could find my soulmate, then I would be happy”. I think many people have fallen into that category of thought at some point in their lives. My intent is not to generalize, but it truly is what our culture sells us these days. People, who have the natural desire for an intimate relationship, feel incomplete without it. Unfortunately, this may because they haven’t actually experienced real love.

Some of the kids I lead in Young Life. They are so awesome. I love them with all of my heart.

Some of the kids I lead in Young Life. They are so awesome. I love them with all of my heart.


What is real love?

Well, that’s a big question. My first response would be God. God Himself is real love. He is the originator of love. We would have no concept of real love if He didn’t show us it first through His character and son, Jesus. In the chapter, though, there are many different descriptors for love. And that’s the cool thing about it. “The greatest of these is love…” I believe Jesus said those words because love is all encompassing. It’s the root of pretty much everything. We can love because He first loved us. We experience joy because of love. We experience peace because of love. And the list goes on… That is why a whole chapter can be written on so many different forms of love and it doesn’t even cover a quarter of it. I’m going to talk about two “forms” that stood out to me most. 

Sister Simone

Sister Simone


Sister Simone - Deep Listening

Sister Simone talks about love in the form of deep listening. “How can I leave you out if I’ve heard your story? I can’t.” I looked up another source to see if Sister Simone talked more on this topic and in an article, she said, “I’ve discovered that this deep listening leaves me open to hear the stories of others grasp the reality around me in new ways…It is the first building block of community that we are in dire need of in our nation.” I love this concept and it’s amazing because I actually had a conversation with one of the girls I lead for Young Life about this last night. She reached out to me because she has been dealing with some tough stuff. She mentioned a girl who has been nothing but rude to those around her. She reached out to that girl and listened to her story. The girl thanked her and said no one has ever listened, let alone asked about her story before. It’s incredible how much understanding you can have about how someone acts just by listening to their story. It’s a bummer we are so bad at it nowadays. I took a counseling class with Kris Kays and she had us read a book called The Lost Art of Listening: How Learning to Listen Can Improve Relationships. I highly encourage you to read it and you will realize what I mean when I say we are bad at it nowadays. I was even shocked at how poorly I listened. Here is the link if you’re interested: Why does deep listening improve relationships? Because it’s truly an act of love and love is universal. 

Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler


Eve Ensler - You Already Have the Big Love

“Oh it’ll be here one day. I’ll have the big love. Well, you have the big love. It’s already here”. I think this is so important. People are on a wild goose chase trying to find their identity. Many look for their identity in being loved by one significant other. One can only be fulfilled and find their true identity in God. Regardless of how much I talk about love, I can’t help but circle it back around to God. Because He created it and He is the reason we even have the capacity to show it, give it, and receive it. Okay, I didn’t expand on this much because I haven’t even talked about how this love applies to my art yet. However, I chose to write all of this first because I don’t think I could explain love in my art without this context and understanding. 

Some pictures I took of the people I will be working with after graduation in a month.

Some pictures I took of the people I will be working with after graduation in a month.


How this love is evident in my art…

Big news, I got a job! Well, at least I am waiting on an offer and they’re waiting on my acceptance. Super exciting and such a blessing! My art is expressed through graphic design, photography, and videography. To be honest, I believe love is expressed in more of the relationships surrounding my art than the actual art itself. In my interview with the job I just mentioned, I was shown tremendous love. The business owner looked at me and said “I want to know your story”. He asked and deeply listened to my responses. In return, I did the same with him. Never in my life have I been in an interview that felt like I was sitting across from a family member. I felt deeply loved and cared for which made it easy to reciprocate. I am beyond excited to work for them because I know we are working together. They have no idea how to create in the mediums I do, however, they truly need someone to do it for them to further their career. Thus, I am entering this position with the heart to help them fulfill their dreams and as a result I’m fulfilling mine too. They are praying and walking down the path the Lord has set aside for them and so am I…and we’re doing it together. I think this is what Sister Simone and Eve Ensler were getting at. Deep listening produces a community in which the “big” love slaps you right across the face. Love is in the people around us and I am blessed to have the opportunity to use my creativity synonymously with building relationships with those around me. 

I wish I could articulate this love in the way my heart understands it. I struggle to produce perfectly thought out explanations but all I know is the Lord’s faithfulness and love is abundantly present in my life. My art has played a HUGE role in the relationships I have today and I couldn’t think of a more loving way for the Lord to use my own talents in my life. So incredible.


Chapter Four - LOVE - A Few Things I’ve Learned

Jordyn Dunseath

Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Videographer.

It can be fun to collaborate!


Moses Hooper - Artist of Faith Interview